CEO FiinGroup will speak at Yangon Stock Exchange Seminar on 1 September 2019

Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) will organise their YSX EXPO 2019 on Sunday, 1st September 2019 at Novotel Hotel Yangon Max with aims to boost investors bases especially foreign investors in Myanmar stock market. As a professional provider of financial data, business information, industry research and other data-driven analytics services, FiinGroup proudly support YSX in this event. YSX EXPO 2019 will bring business showcase and exhibition booths of listed companies and to-be-listed companies.
What are the investment themes?
Stock Market now in Myanmar is still rather small for institutional investors i.e. frontier funds. There are 5 listed companies with total marcap of US$415.4 mil. on YSX after its 3 years of operation. There are around 30,000 trading accounts but the active trading is still small with daily liquidity of 11,935 in shares traded over hands and of US$38,694. We have met the management of YSX in June 2019 and discussed about the investment opportunities and the regulatory changes. We think below are the main themes that would significantly improve the investment condition in Myanmar:
- The 35% foreign ownership limit for non-residing investors: the 35% FOL, which was in effect from 1st August 2019, was applied for residing foreign investors only. Offshore foreign investors will be permitted to hold stakes totaling up to 35% in companies trading in Yangon. No concrete start date was given, but it will take few months for authorities to draw up detailed regulations and for brokerages to adjust their systems.
- The increasing number of listed companies: In our last meeting with YSX, it is released that there will be around 30-50 companies in various sectors to be listed in YSX. This topic will be discussed at the Seminar in the afternoon session as well.
- Other topics – please check out event web http://ysxexpo2019.ysx-mm.com/ or the attached file.
The situation is similar to Vietnam financial market in past decades. Despite its unmatured market, yet-to-develop sound corporate governance, Myanmar owns the strategic location, fast GDP expansion, competitive labor cost, and young population. These conditions can be made Myanmar a great potential investment destination, especially for funds covering frontier markets or who wants to explore a new potential market. We, therefore, think that it is a good opportunity for you to explore via this occasion.
Who should attend?
- Public funds especially the frontier fund
- Private equity funds who want to check the high growth private companies and upcoming IPOs
- Securities firms to explore a new interest market and go for the region
- Individual investors
- Other e.g. research or advisory firms
FiinGroup’s participation in this event
We are serving thousands of investors around the World operating in or offshore but having exposure in Vietnam. As such, we wish to cover Myanmar as well for our information business and our Mission is to Enlighten the Market. We are talking with YSX to distribute the stock market data and we also are in talk with the government agencies of Myanmar to analyze the information for more than 63,000 registered enterprises. We hope we will soon be able to provide such data and services to desired organizations. Our CEO Mr. Thuan Nguyen will join as a speaker to share views and experience from the case of Vietnam Stock Market as well.
The participating YSX Expo is free of charge but of course, you will have to pay your expenses such as accommodation and transportation costs. You can register directly with YSX or via us: Ms. Trang Le | Executive, Client Advisor | Tel: +84 24 3562 6962 (ext.: 103) | Email: trang.lenguyen@fiingroup.vn
In case we receive a confirmation of a handful number of participants, say 10 persons or more, from Vietnam by 14 August 2019, we will consider organize an Investor Tour and extend the visit to Yangon to visit certain listed or to-be-listed companies as well, subject to our acceptance from YSX.
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